Join us this Wednesday to support our amazingly hard working teachers this Wednesday April 11th at 7:05 A.M. for a friendly walk-in.

Please help spread the word!

Here’s how you can help/what you can do: 
– Wear red (and have your kids wear red!) every Weds, but ESPECIALLY next Weds April 11th
– Arrive at Cerritos around 7:05am on April 11th, wearing red — the whole family! Invite grandparents and neighbors!
– Bring signs showing your support for Cerritos staff (obviously only positive, school-appropriate messaging, please) 🙂
– If your schedule allows, bring your kids/friends to the Kyrene District Office for the district-wide rally April 11th at 2:30pm
– Support the #REDforED demands by signing this petition ( and this one (…/i-support-a-statewide-walk-out-…)
– Tell your teacher that you support his/her demands for better funding! You wouldn’t believe how far a simple gesture like verbalizing your support can go.

Lastly, if you want more information:
– Arizona Education Association is the largest professional association for public school employees in Arizona
– Arizona Educators United is the grassroots group (comprised almost completely of teachers) behind the #redfored movement
– Save our Schools AZ is another grassroots group fighting for funding and strong public schools
– AZEd101 is a group of local parents and community members who have come together to educate people about how public schools are funded. They have a few presentations planned throughout the Valley this year.