Welcome to Cerritos PTO
Welcome! The Cerritos Elementary Parent Teacher Organization is a group that joins parents and teachers together to address the learning needs of our children to improve the quality of their education.
We are volunteers who come together to work on programs, fundraisers and special events to enrich the educational experience of our children. We are volunteer-run and operate on a budget developed through our fundraising efforts.
Watch our Cerritos PTO Welcome Video!

How you can help and get involved
Go Speedy Go! Fundraiser
It’s GAME ON to reach our $25,000 goal! Your donation will fund learning resources, classroom supplies, Art, P.E., Music, recess equipment, student clubs & community events!
Every year the Kyrene Foundation supports the Kyrene Family Resource Center, and many other wonderful programs. Please take a moment to watch this video and learn about ways you can get involved.