PTO is asking for gift wrap donations including bags, bows and boxes for our Gift Of Time event. Please sign up to volunteer and give thanks to our teachers and administrators.
Turkey Trot – Wednesday, November 21st
Wednesday, November 21st if the Annual Turkey Trot! GRADE TURKEY TROT LENGTH OF TIME FOR RUN/WALK K-1st 8:15-8:45 6 minutes 2nd 8:50-9:20 7 minutes 5th 9:25-9:55 10 minutes 3rd 10:00-10:30 8 minutes 4th 10:35-11:05 9 minutes A few volunteers are needed to help...
Box Tops
Turn in your box tops anytime! Make sure your teacher's name is written on the baggie/sheet. Prizes will be given to the class with the most box tops collected! Our first deadline is October 26th. The top classes in Pre-K - 1st, 2nd-3rd, and 4th-5th will receive an...
Ice Cream Social and Opening of the Fall Book Fair This Friday!
I SCREAM, YOU SCREAM, WE ALL SCREAM FOR ICE CREAM!! Thank you Molly Wegener for all your hard work on the upcoming Ice Cream Social this Friday from 5:30-7:30 p.m.
Book Fair
The Online Book Fair begins September 17th! Book Fair Preview Days are September 20-21st Ice Cream Social with Book Fair Open - September 21st at 5:30 p.m. Fall Book Fair runs from September 24-27th
Spirt Wear Now Available!
Spiritwear Spirit Wear is now available online! To order: Questions? Every Friday is Spiritwear day at Cerritos; show your winning spirit! Vintage-Style Black Shirt with Cerritos Roadrunner Logo Youth – Unisex...
Spring Carnival Tomorrow!!
We Hope To See You There!!!!!
Wear Red For ED
Join us this Wednesday to support our amazingly hard working teachers this Wednesday April 11th at 7:05 A.M. for a friendly walk-in. Please help spread the word! Here's how you can help/what you can do: - Wear red (and have your kids wear red!) every Weds, but...