Box Tops

Turn in your box tops anytime!  Make sure your teacher's name is written on the baggie/sheet. Prizes will be given to the class with the most box tops collected!  Our first deadline is October 26th.  The top classes in Pre-K - 1st, 2nd-3rd, and 4th-5th will receive an...

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Book Fair

The Online Book Fair begins September 17th! Book Fair Preview Days are September 20-21st Ice Cream Social with Book Fair Open  - September 21st at 5:30 p.m. Fall Book Fair runs from September 24-27th

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Spirt Wear Now Available!

Spiritwear Spirit Wear is now available online!  To order: Questions? Every Friday is Spiritwear day at Cerritos; show your winning spirit! Vintage-Style Black Shirt with Cerritos Roadrunner Logo Youth  – Unisex...

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Wear Red For ED

Join us this Wednesday to support our amazingly hard working teachers this Wednesday April 11th at 7:05 A.M. for a friendly walk-in. Please help spread the word! Here's how you can help/what you can do:  - Wear red (and have your kids wear red!) every Weds, but...

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